Gratitude Letter
My heart is overflowing with love, grace, and gratitude to be able to be here with you on Mother Earth at this time of great expansion into the harmonious new earth and to bear witness to the awakening and enlightenment of the human beings into Oneness.
In August of 2008, I had an after-life experience that disconnected me from this world for ten minutes. During this sacred time, I was taken to the center of the Creator’s heart into divine white light. It was both Feminine and Masculine with a love that surrounded me so purely that I have no words to express it.
In this divine space, I was shown visions and was given instructions of what my return to mortal life would look like and what my purpose for remembering and returning would be. I went with Jesus and my Spirit Team through many dimensions to witness the universe and how it sustains its harmony of Oneness. I was then shown that the universe lives in all of us. I was shown and taught about my spiritual work. I hold information that will unlock, activate and restore the DNA of the human race to its true state. In doing so, we will prepare Mother Earth for ascension.
I am now experiencing this transformation in individual healing and group gatherings. Through awakening the Heart Space, the little chamber of heart intelligence similar to the brain, we can activate the pineal gland. By remembering and repatterning the DNA through all dimensions, I am witnessing many who are awakening to In-light-ment and the BEing of our creation. I know my whole life’s journey has brought me to this place to assist the masses in co-creation, In-light-ment, and ascension.
I am genuinely honored, blessed and humbly in gratitude to serve on this level. I am filled with JOY to be a part of each of your journey and the rediscovery your true authentic purpose.
Through the tension of these times, we are coming to understand our own inner light, that we are co-creators of our path, individually and collectively. Creating harmony and Oneness is co-creating heaven on earth. It is now up to us to bring in the shift and BE the miracle that we are here to BE!
Blessings of UniverSOUL Love
Nicole Ashton

MotherEarth ~Angel ~ SoulStar Oracle
World Renownd Healer~Intuitive
Nicole performs heart-centered healing work with individuals, couples, and groups. Her work is spirit-guided cellular level healing of mind, body, emotions, and soul. Deep within your heart is a portal to your spirit. When uncovered and opened, divine healing currents can be released throughout your system to bring spiritual awakening, inner freedom, and essential love.
Many have experienced deep healing of present and past emotional patterns, the release of biology or learned beliefs and relief from physical disharmony causing illness.
If you are ready to discover and activate your own innate abilities for healing body, mind, soul and spirit levels, Nicole is available to guide and facilitate this process in partnership with you.
"Creator of Energy Healing by Design Nicole Ashton, a world-renowned healer, and luminary, whose life after death experience has allowed her the gift of empowering people around the globe to heal and grow into their true authentic space. Nicole with her natural connection to Source, which has remained open since her return, will help you and your Family, find the frequency of gratitude and patient love that will assist you in awakening your Souls Design".
Nicole Ashton
World Renowned Healer Luminary
Dr of Metaphysics
Master Energy Healer
Nicoles Documentary
'Healing Hands"
Well know around the world for her Energy, Compassion, DNA , Bio photon, Soul Work and NDE





Quality of Life
To assist Children suffering from illness or/and disease and their families in remembering the quality of
life is very possible.
To create compassion and promote healing through unconditional love.
Connection through enlightenment, touch, vision, and wholeness are fundamental to the human experience
Collective Consciousness
We are All ONE in an awakened heart space filled with unconditional love, compassion, warmth, kindness, and understanding
Vision Statement
Engage the life-affirming power of personal and collective healing experiences to lift and connect humanity.
Mission Statement
Support human consciousness to move forward in healing and assist in raising the frequency and vibration of the planet and All BEings
Through unconditional love, we value ALL creation, healing, balance, unity and the promotion of harmonious experiences throughout humanity with much grace and gratitude!
To build and facilitate a Center of Creation a Healing Center and Advanced learning space.
To Heal, Learn and Grow Together
Nicole performs heart-centered healing work with individuals, couples, and groups. Her work is spirit-guided cellular level healing of mind, body, emotions, and soul. Deep within your heart is a portal to your spirit. When uncovered and opened, divine healing currents can be released throughout your system to bring spiritual awakening, inner freedom, and essential love. Shaison. P. Ouseph Director, Producer, Entrepreneur Shaison wears quite a few feathers on his hat. He is an internationally acclaimed documentary filmmaker, editor, and cameraman with credits ranging from director of photography to art director on many documentaries and independent feature projects. His public service campaigns promoting literacy, empowerment of women and against child exploitations have won him many national and international accolades including UN and International Labour Organisation awards. His works as a director for various commercial and non-commercial audio-visuals have been well recognized and appreciated. "Creator of Araya Healing Nicole Ashton, a world-renowned healer, and luminary, whose life after death experience has allowed her the gift of empowering people around the globe to heal and grow into their true authentic space. Nicole with her natural connection to Source, which has remained open since her return, will help you and your family, find the frequency of gratitude and patient love that will assist you in awakening your Souls Design".
~ Lance Allred - International Motivational Speaker. First Deaf NBA Basketball Player. Author