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Align to vibrate onto a higher dimensional plane of existence with all new timelines! Be kind to you

Writer: Nicole AshtonNicole Ashton

The "breaking down" of these systems, these realities, these programs, these structures is as easy or as harsh as each requires. At first, it is not easy, for it unachors everything we held onto as safe, real and secure. Over "time" (separated so that all does not occur all at once for physical body Ascenders, transcending full physical body death), each individual process is separated over time, yet the amount of "time" to prolong/avoid decreases substantially again/now. Every time we are ready to shift collectively (and individually) to a much higher timeline, then "time" will speed up as old timelines collapse for all to converge on a new physical plane. This collapse and convergence speeds up to become so fast that time ceases to exist at all. This "new space" of "no time" aligns with a new existence that is all energetic here. No longer bound by "time", each move through "time" at a Quantum rate, Super Quantum for those mastering this ability with ease here. Where one exists fully in vibration, then time constraints (and separation of events over time) cease to exist. This is due to our access to infinite alternate dimensions allowing us to bypass old unconscious matrix limits through our own intentional transmissions, actions and activation of higher dimensional realities/timelines through intense/easily focusing our own fully Super Conscious energy ourselves. 

For humans, a breaking point is necessary for convergence and restructuring to occur. An emotional, mental or physical breaking point is necessary for a (long) while. Each time "the break point" occurs, then the cells in the body collapse and release the old programming that held all of those unconscious realities in place. The release of the emotion, belief system, energy held is what allows all to start to take new shape. It occurs on a cellular level FIRST and then the outside re-configures itself to match the new/higher frequency (encoded molecular cellular structure held). This is why it's soooooooo beyond important for each to HOLD the highest vibration long enough, until the external can take new form, until the outside can "catch up" and materialize into a solid physical reality to actually experience and inJOY and share! (This breaking point is what unconscious human aspects try to "save" others from, not realizing how Quantum Cellular Re-Alignment occurs). This is where re-structuring on a SOUL level can finally take place and where purity and more love are finally able to emerge too. ​Eventually these breaking points are minimal and only occur right before a huge collective shift, with minimal expulsion necessary for this to occur. This is due to instant processing and enhanced data reading capabilities that read light encoded data-stream-field continuously, so that the Crystalline Body can process large amounts of data easily through developed crystalline cells by maintaining a reality inside and outside that is pure. Collapse/De-construct/unify/re-construct occurs simultaneously, all in the same nano-second, for the enhanced Plasma Silicon Crystalline LightBody that functions optimally here.  

Support your body, and your body will support you. Support your Soul for your Soul to support you. Honor your process fully, for ease to become your new way. Open up to what your human didn't want to listen to before and let your higher-self-pure-heart-you lead the way. Moving from linear to non-linear bodies/realities is a huge process for us all. ♥



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