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Are you ready to BE Light-re-design, re-create, re-structure re-align and re-memeber?

Writer: Nicole AshtonNicole Ashton

This entire process is one of INNER-VISION, INNER-CLARITY and inner-knowing, feeling and deciphering a holographic reality through various physical/energetic symbols, signs and messages at first. As each “learns” to “read” the field, decipher/decode messages/meanings and start to choose to re-program, re-align and bring forth all new from within. 2020 opens an entire ERA of CLEAR VISION/CLARITY that will support/assist with Earth’s Transition out of 3rd/4th Density “finally”, by dismantling and “switching off” the codes/templates that held 3D in place. As each becomes a Visionary, the ability to create/bring forth “our new” is easier, as we are all able to see and unite these VISIONS to support and accelerate with greater ease. ♥


NEW EARTH BECOMES VISIBLE AND IS BIRTHED/born/comes forth from DEEEEEEEEP within each's DEEP Sacred Soul Connection/Physical LightBody-Field and immense "higher consciousness knowledge/wisdom" (light codes/"higher" intelligence" than before), that provide access to "how to create" all new realities that are SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS aligned, Soul Aligned, Highest Vibrationally aligned, forgo the "creation" of NEW EARTH realities and experiences "replacing" old earth ones....

These SOURCE CODES are CREATION, re-create, re-structure and re-align all with Universal/Cosmic Law s/Rules (Quantum/Consciousness) replacing everything each once called "reality" before.....

Part of 4D Moves into Overwhelm and Prepare to MOVE BEYOND Comfort Zones:

Many will start going off the “deep end”, feeling completely overwhelmed and like all is “too much”. This is an important part of the process, so understanding from a “much higher” place is important for moving through/honoring/supporting/experiencing the INTENSITY of SEPARATION and one’s LightBody starting to come further online. Some will travel, activating the grids of their own bodies, while activating, clearing and “swapping” various codes with every location change/experience and moving into various Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Roles important for 5D+ Ascension Timelines and more. Deep, heavy emotions and feelings emerge in these. Confusion increases, yet clarity is available through nature, connection, solitude, field clearing and deepening our inner connection to experience peace. As the Lightbody starts rewiring/reconfiguring the central nervous systems, waking body parts up, heart opening/mind opening, relaxing and shifting from an external focus to an inner focus, other body systems start immense processes as well. Your physical Light/Soul/Energy Body is asking you to support it, honor it, love it, respect it so that it can do the work necessary to support you in achieving anchoring your own NEW Earth Realities/Experiences here. Dreams turn lucid, experiences do too. Pineal gland activates, DMT release begins, changing the “output” and chemical processes of your glands/organs, your whole body requires your attention, kindness, love and care.

Moving beyond Comfort Zones: The Human Aspect lived in “comfort zones” that GO when it’s time for each’s individual Ascension Process to begin. Because the human aspect likes “safe”, fixed and “secure”, even if it goes completely against their own SOUL, they will “stay here” because it’s “easier” than the “challenges” of stepping up, saying no, not accepting “status quo” and having “fixed” ways “feels” better than “not knowing up front/prior to and being able to “control” it all…. The way the human ego “wants things”, which is not how this works. Because the human aspect will not budge, has sooooo much resistance to change, so much armor around their hearts, cannot share their “things”, doesn’t “truly care” about our planet/each other to “do whatever it takes”, then REALITIES have to CHANGE. Unbeknownst to each human aspect, when it’s time for this to occur, their Merkaba will “kick in” and start restructuring their entire reality FOR THEM…. And that the “matrix” program/systems are located in their own BODY, deep within their cells, muscles, organs, limbs, bones and that in order to “transition over” from a 3D reality to a 5D reality+, they will go through an individual “pole flip” that appears to “turn their reality upside down”, unanchoring emotions, fears, survival mechanism and separation that held them to that unconscious dimension before, playing out “realities” that were a “solid hologram” based upon their own beliefs, mentalities and deep conditioning/programming held deeeeeep within and only visible through much higher states of Consciousness. The “external” is a “feedback loop” if you will, a vibrational return to what each holds/embodies/believes and when the EGO is what is embodied, then the external reality is a direct response/experience resulting from this. 5D those “comfort zones” are no longer “needed”, as everything is completely different, soft, beautiful and abundance is shared, so there's no lack or doing without, as that was 3D/4D programming/conditioning/beliefs that “manifested/materialized” as a “physical reality” too.

Breaking free from/pulling away from “the old”, learning to PLAY, have fun, dance and just BE allows for a RE-SET to occur, that is necessary for many reasons prior to moving into much “higher dimensional” realities/roles here. If it does not support you, LET IT GO! Start to “see” from inside your own heart, feel with your heart/being and listen with your whole heart/being too. It’s beyond important for the transition from 3D to 5D, which is intense even with the greatest understanding for awhile. 4D is also where Ego Death on every level occurs, as the “entrance” through/to 5D (Gates of Heaven/Ascension timelines) means leaving all that separation, judgment, lack, limits as “reality” and moving into new ones where you see this, yet it no longer rules and you can consciously Master/Break all down/re-program through Love yourself. ♥

Nicole Ashton Healer



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