We are all designed Magnificent with a flawless innate guidance systems designed for you by you.
No more living some else’s plan in a world directed by few.
Live you by design, you are created in unconditional love, A spark of light and in greatness.
Why hide your LIGHT, When you are born to SHINE!
~Nicole Ashton
Clarity, Activation and Connection
What these sessions provide:
Private, confidential guidance for those ALREADY ENGAGED with the Ascension process.
Clarity, insights and amplifications for your sacred journey
Guidance from your Higher levels will present, however your free will is honored
A safe, sacred space to discuss your metaphysical experiences
Your session may also include Light body or Heart center expansion, Sound healing, Light Codes or DNA recalibration if your guidance team requests this.
Private sessions are provided for those already on the path.
If you are new to the Ascension process, Book a Souls Design Session or Energy Session with Nicole,
*Packages are available with monthly commitment. PLEASE NOTE BEFORE BOOKING:
This is not a psychic reading.
Nicole does NOT provide entity removal, walk-in calibration or psychiatric counseling in these sessions. (These are services provided in a energy Healing session with Nicole)
Scheduling is subject to availability; typically booking 4-5 weeks from purchase.
Sessions must be used within 90 days of purchase.
Sessions are scheduled on Tuesday’s and Thursdays. Exceptions can be made if needed.
You do not have to walk this path alone. To you, beloved Soul, I offer my authentic heart-centered services to assist your journey.
🤍Nicole Ashton